How to Make 1 Million Naira Monthly? -
Finance Lifestyle

How to Make 1 Million Naira Monthly?

Sodiq J. Sodiq J.
September 04, 2023
How to Make 1 Million Naira Monthly?


How to Make 1 Million Naira Monthly?

1 Million Naira as a monthly income in Nigeria might sound impossible to many people. But the truth is, it's very much achievable, as people even earn more than that. If you're about to step into the world of entrepreneurship and you have a big dream, you're at the right place. In this guide, we'll discuss how to make 1 million Naira monthly. 

1. Choose a Profitable Niche

The first step to consider when projecting a 1 million naira monthly income is to choose a profitable niche. But that isn't enough to reach your goals; you must plan well. First, list a few profitable niches and thoroughly research them. Choosing the one you're most comfortable with is best, so you won't lose interest. It doesn't matter if it's a service or product-based business. Just have a unique selling method that sets you apart.

2. Write a Solid Business Plan

Every business needs a strong business plan. A business without one is more prone to failure than one with one. While developing a strong business plan takes effort, it's worth it.

While drafting a plan, you must outline your goals, audience, strategies, and funding. This works as a roadmap, guiding you through every step till you reach your destination.

3. Don't Underestimate Digital Marketing

Another tip on how to make 1 million Naira monthly in Nigeria is by taking advantage of digital marketing. Thanks to technology, you don't have to struggle too hard to expand your reach. You can use SEO, social media platforms, email lists, and more. 

If they're all too much to handle at once, you can go for social media at first. Once you've gathered enough followers, ensure to engage with them often. This helps create a solid customer relationship, improving your brand's reliability.

4. One Income Source Might Not Be Enough

With the current economy, one source of income might slow down your dreams of making 1 million Naira monthly. To avoid this, add more business opportunities; you can choose a related niche to your already-existing business. Diversification helps to reduce risks, especially when one business is down for a while; you can fall on the other.

5. Invest Wisely

Every rich person you see today has invested in one thing or the other. To avoid stagnance, invest in different sectors like real estate, mutual funds, stocks, and more. However, research is an absolute must; if not, you might fall into some trap and lose all your money.

6. Upgrade

Continuous learning is essential to growth in one's life. Update yourself with the latest trends in your niche, attend seminars, learn courses, and learn from professionals. The better you become, the higher your cost of services.

7. Customers Are Important

No matter what happens, always ensure your customers are happy with your brand. Offer great customer service, listen to complaints, solve them, and seek feedback. This relationship with them plants a seed of trust in them, making them return for more services. Remember, a happy customer means a growing business!


Every dream is achievable with the right plan, dedication, and effort. By following these tips, you're on the way to making 1 million Naira monthly in Nigeria. 

Blog authors

Sodiq J.
Sodiq J.
successful businesses start with small steps but big ideas and I find great pleasure in putting into context and wordings profitable and feasible business ideas and agricultural practices in nigeria