How to Start Yam Farming in Nigeria -

How to Start Yam Farming in Nigeria

Sodiq J. Sodiq J.
March 21, 2023
How to Start Yam Farming in Nigeria


How to Start Yam Farming in Nigeria

Yams are a staple crop in Nigeria, yet small-scale farmers conduct nearly 70 percent of the country's yam production. For entrepreneurial Nigerians looking to diversify agricultural production and maximize profits, starting a yam farm may be an ideal investment opportunity. But how can one become a professional yam farmer in today's market? Don't fret! This article will discuss how to start yam farming in Nigeria.

Agriculture has long been a major economic support for Nigeria's population of over 191 million people, with more percent living in rural areas. Yams, in particular, are an integral part of the agricultural industry and account for up to sixty percent of production within the country. Thus, investing in yam farming could help local economies and entrepreneurs seeking profitability from their business ventures.

If you live in Nigeria and are interested in starting your yam farming operation, this article will provide valuable tips and advice on getting started. You can also become a successful and profitable professional yam farmer through careful planning and dedication to high-quality control standards!

How Profitable is Yam Farming in Nigeria?

Yam farming is one of the most profitable agricultural businesses in Nigeria. Nigeria is one of the largest producers of yams in the world, accounting for about 70% of global production.

Their importance drives the local demand for yams as a staple food in many parts of Nigeria. Yams are also used for various cultural and social events, increasing demand.

Internationally, there is a growing demand for yams from countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. This presents a huge opportunity for yam farmers in Nigeria to export their products and earn foreign exchange.

Regarding profitability, the return on investment (ROI) for yam farming in Nigeria can be quite significant. Depending on various factors, it could range from 100% to 200%. However, it is important to note that yam farming requires significant investments in terms of land, labor, inputs, and storage facilities, which may affect profitability.

How Long Does it Take Yam to Grow and Mature in Nigeria?

Generally, yam takes about 3-4 months to grow and mature in Nigeria. However, the exact time can vary depending on the following factors:

  1. Variety: Different varieties of yams have different growing and maturity periods. For example, white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) typically takes longer to mature than water yam (Dioscorea alata).

  2. Planting time: The time of year when a yam is planted can affect its growth and maturity. For example, yam planted in the rainy season tends to mature faster than in the dry season.

  3. Weather conditions: Adequate rainfall, sunshine, and temperature are important for yam growth and maturity. Adverse weather conditions, such as prolonged drought or flooding, can affect the growth and maturity of yam.

The first step in growing yams is planting them in early spring. Plant the seeds in rows about 24 inches apart, with each row spaced about 36 inches from its neighbor. This will allow enough room for the yams to spread out as they grow and prevent crowding of the plants when they reach maturity.

You must keep an eye on the plants and ensure they get enough water and sunlight. If there are any signs of disease or pests, it's important to address them quickly, so your crop is healthy before harvest time. With proper care and attention, you'll have a successful harvest of delicious yams after three months of growth!

How Many Yams Can Be Planted in an Acre?

In Nigeria, an acre of land equals 6 plots of land. A plot of land is a unit of land measurement used in Nigeria, and it can vary in size depending on location and other factors. However, the standard size of a plot of land in Nigeria is usually 100 feet by 100 feet (30.5 meters by 30.5 meters).

The number of yams planted in an acre of land can vary depending on the spacing and planting arrangement used. However, planting between 6,000 and 10,000 yam setts per acre is generally recommended for optimal yield.

Yam setts are the tubers used for planting, and they should be planted at a spacing of about 30-45 cm apart and about 90-100 cm between rows. Using this spacing, it's possible to plant between 6,000 and 10,000 yam setts per acre.

It's worth noting that planting density can also depend on different things. These include the variety of yams being planted, soil fertility, and other environmental factors. For example, some yam varieties may require more space for optimal growth, while planting in soils with high fertility may allow for a higher planting density.

What is the Best Month to Plant Yam?

The best time to plant yam in Nigeria depends on several factors. These include the variety of yams, rainfall patterns in the region, and the availability of planting materials. However, the best time to plant yam in Nigeria is the beginning of the rainy season.

In most parts of Nigeria, the rainy season usually starts around February and till April. Therefore, the best time to plant yam is usually between February and April, at the beginning of the rainy season when the soil is moist, and there is enough rainfall to support crop growth.

Planting yam early in the rainy season allows the crop to take advantage of the abundant moisture and sunshine during the growing season, resulting in higher yields. Late planting may result in reduced yields due to inadequate moisture and short growing seasons, as the yam tubers require a long growing season to mature.

When is Yam Harvested in Nigeria?

Yam is usually harvested in Nigeria between August and October. This is when the yam tubers have reached full maturity and are ready for harvest. It's important to note that the exact time of harvest will depend on the variety of yams planted, as some varieties may mature earlier or later than others.

It's also important to note that harvesting yam too early can reduce yields, as the tubers may not have reached full maturity.

Bottom Line

Yam is a popular crop in Nigeria and can be a great source of income for farmers. To get the best yields, it's important to plant yam at the right time, using the right spacing and planting arrangement. 

Blog authors

Sodiq J.
Sodiq J.
successful businesses start with small steps but big ideas and I find great pleasure in putting into context and wordings profitable and feasible business ideas and agricultural practices in nigeria