How to Start a Mobile Money Business in Nigeria -
Business Finance

How to Start a Mobile Money Business in Nigeria

Sodiq J. Sodiq J.
September 04, 2023
How to Start a Mobile Money Business in Nigeria


How to Start a Mobile Money Business in Nigeria

The emergence of mobile money services in recent years has completely altered Nigeria's financial system. Mobile money is becoming more common among consumers and businesses as the nation moves toward a more cashless economy. This blog post will give you step-by-step instructions on how to start a mobile money business in Nigeria. 

How Can I Become a Mobile Money Agent in Nigeria? 

Follow these steps to start your career as a mobile money agent:  

  • Research Mobile Money Providers: To begin, look into and find reliable Nigerian mobile money providers. Among the well-known ones are Paga, Firstmonie, and Opay. Examine their agent requirements, commission schedules, and support services.

  • Meet Agent Criteria: Each mobile money provider will have particular standards that agents must adhere to. You need a working smartphone with internet connectivity, a registered business name or agent outlet, a specific amount of initial cash, and a legitimate form of identification. 

  • Training and Registration: After fulfilling the requirements, you may need to go through training to become familiar with their platform, security measures, and transactional procedures. Complete the provider's agent registration process after a successful training session.

  • Establish Your Outlet: Decide on a suitable location for your mobile money business, especially one that is busy and has a high demand for financial services. Establish a friendly, safe environment that inspires confidence in potential clients.

  • Promote Your Services: Run marketing and public relations campaigns to get people to your business. Encourage consumers to use your mobile money services by providing incentives, discounts, or extra services.

How Much is the CBN Mobile Money License Fee?

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) oversees the mobile money sector in Nigeria. This is to ensure adherence to stringent financial rules and protect the interests of consumers. But as an agent, you don't need a separate mobile money license from the CBN. Instead, you will collaborate with a licensed mobile money provider who will secure the required CBN licenses.

How Much is the Mobile Money License in Nigeria? 

The price of acquiring a mobile money license in Nigeria varies according to the mobile money service provider you decide to work with. Each service provider has a different price plan for agents. Typically, the transactions you enable may be subject to initial setup costs, recurring fees, or commissions. Which way, be sure to read and understand the terms and conditions of your partnership agreement with the mobile money provider.


Starting a mobile money company in Nigeria offers a great chance to become a major participant in the developing financial services industry. You may provide ease and financial inclusion to your community as a mobile money agent while also making a reliable living. Before opening your outlet, compare several mobile money providers, meet their requirements, and complete any required training. Before signing your contract, carefully review the provider's terms and prices, as the cost of collaborating with them may differ. 

Blog authors

Sodiq J.
Sodiq J.
successful businesses start with small steps but big ideas and I find great pleasure in putting into context and wordings profitable and feasible business ideas and agricultural practices in nigeria